Monday, 2 November 2015

Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

With the use of some of the 3D tools it’s possible to create really impressive effects. One can make his characters pictures and images look more vivid and lifelike. Today, we have collected some funny and cartoon 3D characters. Enjoy the showcase and express your opinion by sharing it in the comments.

Rockabilly Girl, fabiowasques

Rockabilly Girl, fabiowasques in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Pirate Lady – Making Waves, Rico Cilliers

Pirate Lady - Making Waves, Rico Cilliers in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

valkyrie, Sergii Savchenko

valkyrie, Sergii Savchenko in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Brute, Marco Hakenjos

Brute, Marco Hakenjos in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Charlotte, Maciej Rasala

Charlotte, Maciej Rasala in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Writers Write, Jessi Ruselowski

Writers Write, Jessi Ruselowski in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Jullie, ricardo manso

Jullie, ricardo manso in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Tribe girl, Luigi Monaldi

Tribe girl, Luigi Monaldi in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Tryky and Puk, Teodoru Badiu

Tryky and Puk, Teodoru Badiu in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Punk, ricardo manso

Punk, ricardo manso in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Beauty-Salon, rohith rao

Beauty-Salon, rohith rao in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Catarina, Ariane Pelissoni

Catarina, Ariane Pelissoni in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Six-winged space seraph, Liudmila Kirdiashkina

Six-winged space seraph , Liudmila Kirdiashkina in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Muse, Santiago Betancur

Muse, Santiago Betancur in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Father and son…, ricardo manso

Father and son..., ricardo manso in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

The Trap, Jonathan Simard

The Trap, Jonathan Simard in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

First Valentine, Aiman Akhtar

First Valentine, Aiman Akhtar in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Zefinha, Ariane Pelissoni

Zefinha, Ariane Pelissoni in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Arvin Farm, Davood Ansari

Arvin Farm, Davood Ansari in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

“The Kid”, Nick Gunn

Pop Mech, Luigi Monaldi

Pop Mech, Luigi Monaldi in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Jane by HokeunChoi

Jane by HokeunChoi in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Red by Rakan Khamash

Red by Rakan Khamash in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Amelie Viking by Gerardo Castellanos

Amelie Viking by Gerardo Castellanos in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Mujer Mandarina by Juan David Pulido

Mujer Mandarina by Juan David Pulido in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Red Twins by ricardo jose clemente manso

Red Twins by ricardo jose clemente manso in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Misdirection by Julian Santiago

Misdirection by Julian Santiago in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

Memories Island by Victor Marin

Memories Island by Victor Marin in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

My Neighbor Pigman by Victor Hugo Queiroz

My Neighbor Pigman by Victor Hugo Queiroz in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

ASTROBOOT mark2 by Dor Shamir

ASTROBOOT mark2 by Dor Shamir in Showcase of 30 Funny 3D Characters

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